All without giving up the foods you love


With my 3-step Online Coaching Program for vegans, plus learn as you go with the VBC 8 Week Fat Loss Mastery Nutrition Course

Cooked vegan food – Vegan Body Coach

The Plan

Using a combination of calorie tracking, daily habit checklists and science based lifting programs we (you & me) create a streamlined plan that cuts through the diet confusion and gives you what you need: results. All while ensuring you learn enough so that you don't need me anymore!

Sounds good right?

Who am I?

Kia Ora friend, I’m Jaxon - certified nutritionist, personal trainer, gym owner and host of the Vegan Body Coach Podcast.

I coach vegans, vegetarians and reducetarians to master their macros, micros and level up in the weight room all while teaching you the fundamentals of long term weight maintenance so you won’t need me anymore!

I'm a big believer in simplifying nutrition and educating my clients on the exact strategies I use daily to maintain a strong and healthy body.

It’s a simple 3-step process

If you are ready to do away with vegan stereotypes and learn the fundamentals of eating for fat loss and muscle gain, all while owning your spot in the gym, then my 3 step program is for you.

Step 1


Using your sample meal plan and personalised calorie and macronutrient targets as a guide, you log all of your meals using the Myfitnesspal food tracking app giving you a clear food budget to hit each day.

Step 2


Using the Vegan Body Coach training app, you track the load, sets and reps of each exercise in your custom workout plan designed to simplify your time in the gym and level up your physique.

Step 3


Finally you finish the week by letting me know all of your successes and hang-ups by filling out your nutrition data sheet and check-in form, which I analyse and provide detailed feedback.

Preparing vegan food  – Vegan Body Coach

Who this is for:

  • You want to master a well planned 100% animal free diet

  • You are tired of fad diets, detoxes, cleanses and fancy protocols

  • You are ready to learn the fundamentals of evidence based nutrition 

  • You want to master macros 

  • You want to know what foods to eat to get enough protein

  • You want the “fit vegan” physique

  • You are ready to go all in

Cooking vegan food – Vegan Body Coach

Who this is not for:

  • You want to eat animal products

  • You have a history of disordered eating patterns (please first seek advice from a qualified mental health coach, then get back to me!)

  • You don’t want to lift weights

  • You want a one-off meal plan

  • You can’t commit to logging meals, training 3 days per week and setting aside 15min per week for my fat loss mastery course.

  • You want a cooking course (recipes are included, however I’m not your cooking guru!)

  • You (think) you already know it all


136 successful clients (and counting)


What’s Included:

One monthly rate for full access

60min online

Personalised Training program - complete with video tutorials for every exercise

Example meal plan - a guide to help structure your meals and your day


Calories & macronutrients targets

How to track your macros video tutorials

Client progress tracking sheet


Weekly personalised video feedback

8 week vegan fat loss mastery video course

24 hour direct messaging and ongoing guidance

Plus gain full access to the Vegan Body Club online community

(think a private Facebook group but without the distractions of actually being on Facebook).

  • Ask questions and get instant insight from our community 

  • Post updates or share your new favourite vegan spot

  • Find members in your area

  • Weekly exercise technique videos 

  • Weekly high protein recipes

  • Weekly plant based nutrition tips

  • Monthly topic of focus presentation 

  • Access to all future courses


Are you in?

It’s actually pretty simple. But the industry loves to confuse people and keep them buying products and quick fixes.

Coaching with me is not a quick fix.

But it is an education, I want you to know what I know so that you can harness the power of being in control of your health, your physique and your life.

Start today for just


Eek! All my coaching spaces are currently full (which is awesome), but unfortunately means I will need to pop you in a waitlist.

Please enter your details below and I will touch base with you as soon as a space opens up!

Have a question?


If I sign up, what happens next?

You will be directed to fill in an initial consultation form, once completed you will then book in a time that suits you for our initial 30min consultation via zoom.

From there:

  • Payment is made
  • I get to work setting up your personalised plan.
  • Once sent through, we will begin our coaching together the following Monday along with the start of your 8 week fat loss mastery video course.

Will I speak to Jax?

Yes! I will be coaching you personally. All contact will be with me directly via app messaging.

Do I get check-ins?

Absolutely. Check-ins are weekly on Monday’s and Tuesday’s. You will be asked to fill in a check-in form each Sunday night which will be used along with your tracked nutrition and training data to make recommendations for the week ahead.

How are payments made?

Payments are made monthly in advance via Stripe.

Am I locked in for a period of time?

A minimum commitment of 8 weeks is required. This is to ensure you give the program a good go before ending and to honour the time put in to set up your plan.

What happens after the 8 week fat loss course?

Once you have successfully finished all 8 weeks of the program you will have the option to continue coaching with me. For many of my clients, an extended fat loss phase of a further 4 weeks is appropriate. From there I recommend a structured weight stability phase where our sole goal is teaching non-tracked informed eating practices. Once complete and you are ready, a muscle gain phase is the next step.

What’s included in the Fat Loss Course video sessions?

Each week, for 8 weeks you will be sent three short learning videos detailing everything from the benefits of protein, to metabolic adaptation, hunger strategies and a whole bunch more! It’s an all encompassing practical look at the keys to successful fat loss and weight maintenance on a vegan diet.

What does the app track?

Almost everything! All training sessions including sets, reps, loads and any notes from each session.

Bodyweight, steps, heart rate, measurements and cardio are all options to track.

The app will also automatically track all new records, volume and 1RM predictions.

Some clients choose to connect external software to track within the app like myfitnesspal, apple health and body weight scales.

Do I have to stop eating “junk food” and processed foods?

A successful eating pattern is all about eating foods you enjoy! I will teach you to enjoy lots of nutrient dense foods that leave you satisfied, meet your macro goals and help create a lean, muscular physique.

However this does not mean having to give up your favourite foods! Using our flexible calorie allotment methods you will be achieving your health and fitness goals while still including the food you love most!

Do I have to be a good cook?

Absolutely not!

With my super simple, minimalistic recipes you can’t go wrong (many of which have been designed by expert cooks to be tasty, affordable and easy to prepare).

Your initial recipe book is full of simple high protein recipes for you to try. New recipes and cooking demos are a regular feature in our community.

What if I eat a meal not on the plan?

This is fine and expected! My meal plans are used as an example of what a week of eating for your goals may look like, with handy meal prep recipes included. Throughout the program you will learn to track your calories and macronutrients and make flexible decisions based on what foods you enjoy, leave you feeling great and meet your daily nutrient goals.

How much protein do I have to eat?

Protein is an essential part of my plans for it’s satiety, recovery and muscle building benefits. Your protein targets will be calculated for you and will vary based on your bodyweight. However you will be required to consume protein at each meal along with 1-2 shakes per day.

Do I have to eat soy?

Soy based foods like tofu, tempeh, edamame and soy milk are staples in a well balanced, healthy and muscle promoting diet. If you have a specific case where soy needs to be eliminated, I will make adjustments for you to ensure we still meet all of our nutritional targets!

What about alcohol?

This program is designed to work with most lifestyles. Alcoholic drinks on occasion with appropriate intakes will not affect results and may help with adherence. Drinking more than 2-3 standard drinks in one sitting should be avoided during this program.

What supplements do I need?

Your individual supplement list will be sent to you with your start up pack. Only essential, evidence based supplements for a strong and functioning vegan body will be recommended, so it won’t break the bank!

I am new to training, I don't know what I am doing.

We were all there once! And I am excited to be the one to guide you through. Rest assured I have beginner programs ready for you that will teach you the basics of lifting. If further in-person coaching is needed and you are in the Auckland area we can also set up one-on-one sessions or if overseas we can coach you remotely.

What equipment do I need?

I recommend joining a local gym or crossfit box that has access to barbells and dumbbells. Machines are a plus but not essential.

Do I have to do cardio?

In the traditional sense, no.

No long treadmill sessions or interval bouts.

We focus on daily step targets as our main source of energy expenditure. However for some individuals I may recommend some cardio sessions each week.

What kitchen equipment do I need?

A basic kitchen with a working oven and stove top. I recommend a quality knife for an efficient and enjoyable cooking experience. Purchase of a digital food scale will be required.


Still not convinced?

Grab 7 days free access to the Vegan Body Club online community and bonus access to my “5 Pillars of vegan body composition change” course to get you started

Have more questions? No problem